Thursday, June 20, 2013

Philosoraptor ang Peg

by Anj Nguyen

16 June 2013

Doctor Garcia mentioned that Philosophers deal with language in an extensive manner, they deal with things in another level, a level that we can reach but we’re just too focused on the “what next?” rather than the “what’s happening now?” This is where “This Is Water” becomes relevant because we’re too preoccupied with what we are shown or choose to see that we don’t see what’s really in front of us. This point has been made clear with last week’s discussion. What got my attention though was when Doctor Garcia lectured on knowing more leads to knowing that you don’t know.

When you know something you are made aware of what you don’t know but that’s not the case now, well for me. When I’m taught something, I think, “Cool, I’ll remember that. Next topic!” I don’t think, “Oh what else am I missing in my life??” but when I do, I already consider myself thinking on another level. That’s the thing, I should be thinking on another level all the time because that’s the way we can make the most out of life. Keep opening doors but always explore every nook and cranny of every room because you’ll never know what you miss. This is being conscious of your actions and surroundings, opening your eyes and mind.

I know we all want to learn something new everyday but know that there is no end because there’s always another question to an answer. Try paying more attention to details. Like you should be aware of how awkward you’re being when you stare at someone walking down secwalk, or make like a philosoraptor and ask silly questions because you'll never know where you just might end up

Am I on the right track? This is how I understand things. Being aware makes you realize how unaware you actually are.

After Doctor Garcia’s lecture, did you too become aware of how unaware you are?

1 comment:

  1. "Try paying more attention to details."

    I like how that statement manage to stand out among that surrounds it. I am a huge believer of the idea that small things can make a huge a difference. From the point of view of an FA Design major, details are what makes the whole picture. For example, if we design a poster, the simple detail of a text not being properly aligned to a photo throws off the whole effect of the output. Even the simple task of choosing what font to use makes a huge impact on how the viewer sees the work. I also remember from an article in Thought Catalog how love is actually "attention to detail."

    Simple things do make a huge difference, just like how you simply wrote this blogpost, it made an impact on my belief, and actually strengthen it. Thanks :)
