Sunday, June 16, 2013

Soldiers for a Lifetime

by Kathleen Ching

Through time, one’s senses and thoughts are dulled by the mediocrity of Life. One tends to lose sight of purpose and, at some point, fails to endure.Then, Life just floods the lives of different individuals without even filling them. An individual must be both flooded and filled by Life and life.One must not let the strong floods sweep away oneself; else the result is frustration and mediocrity of living. Consider the purpose of life. Everyone must have a reason why they fight, why they walk this life, wielding swords, fighting and pressing on.

What on earth are you fighting for?

If one will let go of purpose, one will be swept away, lose health and die.

“Make your own storyline
Dream as if you will live forever

And live as if you'll die today”
– Lyrics from C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h., ONE OK ROCK


  1. Mediocrity of life seems to be unavoidable, to the point that we start to think who we really are and what are we actually living for - we begin to question the meaning of life and its purpose. But the fact is that life itself helps us to define life. Daily routine, which most of us see it as repetitive and meaningless, can actually make a different sense. It is our choice of how, what to think, and how we construct meaning from experience that matter, as said by David Foster Wallace. We unconsciously build up the definition of our own selves from our lifetime experience.

    I am fighting for a Life.

    Wai Yiu So PH 101 A

  2. If you feel, then you are alive. With the routine that can influence our daily lives we can become numb to feelings such as excitement, happiness and even sometimes lose that sense of fulfillment. I agree with what Wai Yiu So says regarding using the daily routine and mediocrity as a way to realize what we must do (or what we aren't doing) in order to live.

    Anj Nguyen PH 101 C

  3. This is why it's important for us to always reflect. Never do anything without reason. Life is about finding your purpose, it's about striving for transcendence and getting one step closer to the Truth each time. Never settle for mediocity because life is way too short to just settle. Always try to surprise yourself. As Dr. Garcia always reminds us, you're only considered old if you think you've had enough experiences in life.
